Ayuso leads the PP revolt against the distribution of immigrants while Feijóo remains silent

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, considers that the Government of Pedro Sánchez is sending illegal immigrants from the Canary Islands to the Peninsula “at night” and with the aim of “getting them off our backs.” Ayuso has been reporting an alleged lack of information which the central Executive denies. The Madrid president was the first baroness of her party to raise her voice against the alleged lack of coordination of the Government and, in recent days, other regional leaders of her party have joined in, although they have not reached the tone used by her.

This Friday, Ayuso stated in an event on the ‘OK Diario’ website that immigrants have arrived in some municipalities of her community and that she had heard that immigrants were going to arrive. “For thousands to the city of Madrid.” “In a moment they are there [en los centros de acogida, ya sean hoteles o edificios de Defensa], but they are not going to confine them, obviously, you cannot. Then I do not know if they will go through the streets, if they will roam, we do not know what they are going to do with them, “he said. These statements they collide with the silence of the leadership of their leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, on this matter. The leader of the PP is focused on denouncing the possible amnesty of the ‘procés’ that Pedro Sánchez may approve to gain the support of Junts and ERC for his investiture and has ignored this issue these days.

The differences between Ayuso and Feijóo are clearly seen this week: she defends the illegalization of EH Bildu, he does not; The Galician politician considers that the relationship with nationalism must be “normalized”, she does not; and now immigration is a key issue for Madrid politics and he does not include it among the main axes of his speeches these days nor has the management introduced it in the daily arguments that they send to the senior officials of the formation to be made. echo.

For the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and MigrationsJose Luis Escrivain charge of immigrant management Adults who arrive in Spain (the Ministry of Social Rights is responsible for unaccompanied minors), Ayuso the matter and some “terminals” are making “xenophobic, opportunistic and political use” of the arrival of African immigrants to the Canary Islands.

According to Escrivá, the way of acting on this occasion is the same as always: if the community to which they arrive cannot assume it, the Government distributes the immigrants throughout the country, according to the availability of places and the needs of those who end up to arrive. This work is done with up to 19 NGOs (Red Cross, Accem…) that are subcontracted by the Executive. It is different from what happens with unaccompanied minors, situations in which the social services dependent on the autonomous communities must be involved.

Lack of coordination

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After Ayuso, who began on Monday complaining about the management of the immigrant crisis in the Canary Islands, the rest of the PP barons who govern up to 11 autonomous communities have followed after the party’s overwhelming victory in May. The majority, like Jorge Azcon (Aragon) and Alfonso Rueda (Galicia), have focused on the insufficient information” on the arrival of migrants from the archipelago to their autonomies to be prepared for possible medical needs Dark (Andalusia), demanded that it be communicated first to “municipalities, councils and autonomous communities.”

“The only information that the Murcia government has about the arrival of immigrants or about the transfer to the Peninsula is through the media,” said Fernando López You lookpresident of that region.
