Ayuso launches another incendiary speech against Sánchez and asks Feijóo to give the cultural battle


Act at 14:14


Isabel Diaz Ayuso The PP congress in Madrid has closed this Saturday noon with a very harsh speech against the Government of Pedro Sánchez and its partners, those of United We Can and also the independentistas and nationalists. On stage, a few minutes earlier, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the top leader of the popular group, had asked him to I will not enter into sterile debatesbut she has justified herself in her strategy of attacking the chief executive and continuing to be key in the work of opposition to the government. “Everyone talks about Spain badly. doHow are we not going to talk about Spain from Madrid? & rdquor ;, he launched.

Mockery of the Montero-Iglesias couple

The Madrid leader considers that “Sanchismo looks for problems where there are none to manufacture a parallel reality” and has ensured that in the Executive there are “the friends of the drug dictatorships of the populist dictatorships”, in reference to the links between United We Can and Venezuela. One of the ministers of the purples, Irene Montero (Equality), has been accused of giving “feminism lessons” when his “greatest political success is being the partner of…”, by Pablo Iglesias. The plenary session of the PP congress has applauded for a long time.

The president says that the Catalan separatists have “invented a nation” and are “a factory for expelling young people and companies.”

Ayuso sees the Sánchez Executive as a “Childish government” that fills the head of his ideas “well-meaning people.” “It is the most authoritarian and least loyal government to the Spaniards,” he stated. “Socialism subsidizes poverty: it does not end it. And it does not manage public services: it manages feelings and makes people manipulable”, he continued.

After that description of reality, he has asked Feijóo, who was listening to him in the front row, not to give in and give the cultural battle. “The center-right cannot let the left pervert even words and then pass only to fix only later the economy while the ideological transformations of the left take hold. The PP has to leave its stamp, that of its convictions and ideas in reality”, he has claimed.

The nationalists

“We don’t know when they began to hate being Spanish. What we know is that they have professionalized their desire to weaken Spain and have found the opportunity”, Ayuso pointed out before specifying his attacks on the Governments of Navarra, the Balearic Islands and Catalonia. He has told the Catalan sovereignists that they have “invented a nation” and sees the Generalitat as “a factory for expelling young people and companies”.
