Ayuso dynamites Casado’s farewell and tries to lead the way for Feijóo

“For what could have been… Believe me that in the end almost nothing has happened”, A key person in the transition PP confessed with anguish this Tuesday night. He was referring to the last public attack by Isabel Díaz Ayuso against Pablo Married before the party’s top brass. The party’s national board of directors met this Tuesday in a hotel in Madrid to convene the future extraordinary congress from which Alberto will come out Nunez Feijoo as leader and the leader from Madrid caused an earthquake that left no one indifferent. There, face to face, with Casado sitting at a main table on a stage, Ayuso delivered a inclement speech against the still president of the party for having ordered that he be spied on to try to discredit her. The head of the Madrid Executive requested “do not falsely close wounds” and expel from the party those who organized that “campaign”, for which he has had to admit that his brother, Tomás Díaz Ayuso, charged 55,000 euros for a mask contract that the Community of Madrid granted him by finger. The prosecution is investigating that specific business and others belonging to his brother, in case there was influence peddling.

The party in Galicia hopes that the Galician politician will clarify his decision on Wednesday at the meeting he has called in Santiago

With his speech, Ayuso managed to do three things at the same time: he defended his honor while charging against the still president of the PP, he took the opportunity to assign duties to Feijóo (whom he left in charge of “investigate” the “very serious facts”) and forced the Galician leader to pronounce on that suspicion that hangs over her. “She is an unquestionable asset for the PP. She is the president of the Community of Madrid and, therefore, an honorable person that we are going to defend because her honorability does not present us with doubts,” she affirmed at the exit of the conclave. Regarding the task of analyzing if he is really Married or his number two, Teodoro Garcia Egea, acted against Ayuso to weaken her politically, it will be the future leadership with Feijóo at the helm that will have to make a decision, according to Esteban González Pons, the president of the congress organizing committee. The still leader of the Xunta will be enthroned on April 2 in Seville.

The Shadow of Garcia Egea

“Never [mi Ejecutivo] It benefited no relative and less, mine. Neither relative nor friend”, said Ayuso, who opened the floor after the head of the popular made his first farewell speech (the last will be in the Andalusian city). In his desire to appear as a victim of the dome outgoing (and also to show his “pain for what he experienced”, according to sources from his team), Ayuso came to be compared to an icon of the PP. “How many ‘Ritas’ Barberá is going to leave this party in the gutter?”. He was referring to the former mayor of València, who appeared dead of a heart attack in a hotel in Madrid after years in which her name came out continuously in connection with corruption scandals. I wish it had been investigated in such detail. Pedro Sanchez and other governments of the left such as members of the party, the Community or my family”, he continued before the board of directors and under the watchful eye of Casado.

Casado, to Ayuso: “I haven’t done what you said [espiarla]. This has taken me ahead”

At the end, according to several witnesses, only half of the audience applauded. “Or less”, several deputies agreed. “The scene has been so uncomfortable for everyone, it has been so cruel that it seemed to some of us that it was no longer necessary,” said one of them. Someone else, however, understood her: “What García Egea has done in the territories, removing some lifelong leaders with bad arts, cannot remain that way. Someone has to pay for it.”

Ayuso came down from the stage where he had read the speech he had written and the leader of the PP wanted to answer him and took the floor: “Isa, I already told you in that meeting in which we were two and a half hours that I have not done what you have said. This has taken me ahead.” The tear of the party in view of all. Several dozen attendees applauded him, according to several witnesses.

silence of the barons

After Ayuso they asked to speak Cayetana Alvarez de Toledo, who called for a political paper to debate “ideas” in congress (and which is ruled out); José Antonio Monago, from Extremadura, who expressed his desire to start “healing the wounds”; the Castilian-La Mancha Paco Núñez, who urged to activate as soon as possible for the municipal elections of 2023; and Ignacio Cosidó and Carlos Izquierdo, who called for unity.

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The forcefulness of the Madrid leader was not seconded by the other four barons who also govern (Feijóo, Juanma Moreno, Fernando López Miras and Alfonso Fernández Mañueco). None took the floor. The first two, specifically, have been the architects of the express operation to close this serious crisis caused by the war between the national leadership and Ayuso, but this Tuesday they preferred not to add fuel to the fire. They all made statements to the press asking to look to the future and underlining the consensus around Feijóo.

The president of the Xunta announced that, this Wednesday, he will hold a board of directors of the PP of Galicia. His party there hopes that he will clarify their future for them. This time yes, the leader is determined to take the step and lead the popular. And he will do it by acclamation, as he wanted in 2018 and he did not achieve it because Casado, among others, wanted to fight in a primary.
