AWE, how to apply to the (free) Academy for female entrepreneurs

Noborn in the USA on the initiative of the American State Department, AWE – Academy for Women Entrepreneurs is a totally free program for aspiring entrepreneurs between 18 and 40 years old. Arrives in Italy thanks to the partnership between the United States Diplomatic Mission in Italy and theUniversity of Naples Federico II, with the support of the Association GammaDonna for innovative female entrepreneurship.

Gender gap: female employment still suffers

AWE, the (free) Academy for young entrepreneurs debuts in Italy. How to apply, until November 9th

Training, tutoring, partnerships business and opportunities collaboration with Italian and US companies, as well as access to the Alumni network and a wide range of economic empowerment resources. These are the pillars of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs, making its debut in Italy, based in Italy at the San Giovanni a Teduccio Campus of the Federico II University of Naples.

The first Italian edition will give 30 women the opportunity to become part of the international program. «With AWE we aim to implement the knowledge, network and access to resources necessary to bring entrepreneurial activities to success, promoting and supporting both equal gender rights and the economic growth of the reference territory», explains Daniela Terracciano, the university professor who helped bring the program to Italy.

What does the program involve?

The lessons will be held online on the platform Dreambuilder at the University of Arizona Thunderbird School of Global Managementintegrated into Federico II with mentorship sessions, pitch competitions, guest speaker talkscollaborations with incubators and networking events with US Exchange Alumni and business leaders.

Who is AWE Italia aimed at?

The program is particularly aimed at students enrolled at Italian universities, recent graduates and/or professionals who aspire to start a business. But also women with an advanced business plan but insufficient resources. Or iimmigrants or refugees residents in Italy or candidates whose project involves immigrant or refugee entrepreneurs.

Business ideas with social or environmental impact or in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda will be preferred.

How to apply (by November 9th)

To apply to AWE Italia, all you need to do is fill in the My Business Idea Form on the site and send it by 2pm on 9 November 2023, including, if desired, a video of maximum 2 minutes on the business idea.

In the first selection phase, the project will be evaluated. In the second an oral interview will verify the motivation, the aptitude for the topics of the training project and the level of knowledge of English and IT tools. But also the characteristics of feasibility, innovation and impact of the idea entrepreneurial proposal. Candidates can participate alone or as part of a team.

