Awarded the work to paint new cycling routes in the Raval

The Raval neighborhood continues to take steps linked to the new Ciutat Vella mobility plan. If last year we proceeded, among other things, to modify the direction of several streets so that they circulate inside the once chinatown makes no sense, now is the time to signpost more and better the cycle paths. The city council has just tendered this project. It is not so much about creating new bike lanes as it is about making it clear to other vehicles that on these streets, the rhythm and speed are marked by bicycles.

We are not talking about a million-dollar contract, since the initial estimated value was 85,500 euros without VAT and it has ended up being awarded for almost 30,000 euros less to the company Lonix Investment, a company based in Badalona already a veteran in these matters. Do not be surprised by the difference, since it is usual in contests that applicants present prices that may seem knockdown to get the cake. Fortunately, this is not the Glòries tunnel, so it is not expected that there will be problems in the execution of the work.


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The project includes 10 new cycling routes that, in addition to improve bike mobility through the interior of the neighborhood, they will connect with the rest of the cycle paths that run through the rest of the city. The continuity of bicycle lanes has been one of the main demands of this growing sector of society. The graceful streets are the following: Torres i Amat, Valldonzella, Àngels, Riera Alta, Lleó, Lluna, Marquès de Barberà, Nou de la Rambla, Tàpies and Drassanes avenue.

Most of them will be marked with the system called ‘bike link’ (cycling connection), which sums up the objective of the measure well, since they will not be regular bike lanes, because they are single-lane streets, but they will have a continuous signage that will limit the speed to 10 kilometers per hour. Only in two cases (the Tigre-Lleó-Lluna connection and the Tàpies connection) will vertical signs be used instead to indicate coexistence with the cyclist group.
