Average rent of a student room in Flanders for the first time rounds the cape of 450 euros | Inland

The Confederation of Real Estate Professions Flanders (CIB), which represents the Flemish real estate sector, analyzed more than two thousand contracts for its CIB Rental Barometer. Last year there was a rush on student rooms, but that did not translate into sharp price increases. That is the case this academic year.

In Brussels, there is an average price increase of 7.5 percent. On average, a student room in Brussels now costs 464 euros per month. In Flanders, the increase was 7.3 percent on average, and a room costs an average of 455 euros per month.

The most expensive student city is Hasselt (489 euros), Leuven (471 euros) and Ghent (469 euros). The largest increase, 13.3 percent, was recorded in Brussels (467 euros). It is striking that prices fell in Antwerp (446 euros) by 2.7 percent. “The price increases are on average above 7 percent, but still remain below inflation,” says Kristophe Thijs, Communications Director of CIB Flanders, in the press release.

also watch: How fireproof are student rooms? Going out with Tim.
