Average house price in Limburg nowhere below 2 tons | 1Limburg

House prices in Limburg have only increased over the years. Last year a house for sale cost about 300,777 euros. In 2015, that amount was approximately 191,829 euros.

That appears from Numbers from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and the Land Registry.

Most expensive municipalities
According to the researchers, the transaction price of an owner-occupied home in Simpelveld rose the fastest last year, by more than 30 percent. In 2021 this involved an amount of approximately 288,495 euros. Two years ago that was 221,359 euros.

A development of 25 percent can also be seen in Mook and Middelaar. A house for sale there sold for an average of 452,951 euros last year. In 2020 that was 362,062.

South Limburg
Over the years, people have started to put down more money for a home for sale. The average transaction price throughout the Netherlands was 387,000 euros last year. That is more than half a ton more than in the previous year. The lowest transaction price of all Limburg municipalities was measured last year in Kerkrade (216,618 euros), Heerlen (230,616 euros) and Brunssum (230,838 euros).

Low mortgage rates
CBS economist Peter Hein van Mulligen says that the recent strong price increases are related to low mortgage interest rates. This makes it easy for people to borrow a lot of money to buy a house. Mortgage interest rates are now rising again, but the effects of this are not yet visible in the figures, according to Van Mulligen.

Less offer
What also plays a role is that a lot has been saved during the corona lockdowns, according to the economist. Home seekers often have more money of their own to put in a house. In addition, the supply of houses for sale has shrunk considerably. Many people therefore bid well above the asking price in order to be able to get hold of another house.
