Authorities spin Barry Manilow nonstop to evict ‘Convoy of Freedom’ from New Zealand parliament | Abroad

The authorities in New Zealand are playing the biggest hits of American singer Barry Manilow non-stop in an attempt to evict protesters who have been stationed in parliament since Tuesday. They protest against mandatory vaccination and the corona restrictions in the country.


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The songs are played over a 15 minute loop along with the Macarena. The protesters also respond with music, with songs like Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It.”

The protest started on Tuesday, when a convoy of vehicles drove towards parliament in the capital Wellington. The hundreds of activists were inspired by the protests in Canada.


The ‘Convoy of Freedom’ is blocking many streets in the capital. During the week, only a few dozen protesters remained, but their numbers increased again this weekend.

© AP

On Thursday, police arrested 122 protesters. Initially, attempts were made to evict them by turning on the sprinklers on the lawn where they camped. The activists responded by digging trenches and building makeshift drains to drain the water.

© AP

Because those tactics failed, parliament speaker Trevor Mallard decided to try a new approach: Barry Manilow’s hits ‘Mandy’ and ‘Could It Be Magic’, along with the Macarena and some informative corona messages, spin in an endless loop. walk of 15 minutes.

Barry Manilow.
Barry Manilow. © EPA

New Zealand has been applying very strict corona rules, such as lockdowns and closing borders, for two years to stay in control of the corona virus. Vaccination against Covid-19 is mandatory for those working in health care, law enforcement and education. If you refuse, you risk being fired. A vaccination certificate must also be presented in restaurants, sporting events and religious services.

However, the rules are becoming less and less popular. Polls show growing discontent with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s government. There has been increasing protest in recent months.

© AP

Police use tear gas against ‘Convoy of Freedom’ in central Paris, situation remains tense

ALSO WATCH: Riots do not occur at ‘Convoy of Freedom’ in Paris


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