Authoriteiten Texas recognize that politie te long watched om school within te gaan tijdens schietpartij | Schietpartij Texas

The policy had a “verkeerde beslissing” made by not soon at the school in Uvalde, Texas within te gaan, it was a piece of debris that had been thrown into a class and a bloody bad had aangericht. This shows Steven McCraw, director of the department of open public health in Texas.

“Het was de verkeerde beslissing. Punt”, aldus McCraw op een persconferentie. “Daarvoor bestaat geen excuus.”
Negotiated political agents were always in position in the gang of the class, but they had to poke around the local area and penetrate and stop the debris. In de plaats daarvan op dat moment beslisted te guards op speciale eenheden. Aft of that, there is a link in the message, aldus de directeur.

The debris was around 11.33 a.m. at the school in the United Kingdom in the classroom. Cort na 12 o’clock the agents were in position in the gang. Pas om 12.50 uur opened the speciale eenheden de deur met een sleutel, the de conciërge hen had gegeven, aldus McCraw.

Hij kreeg also nog de vraag hoeveel children in the tijd will be doodgeschoten and that could have been talked about. Thereupon show that there is no word on that.

private reports

The directeur corrigeerde also reports that the Schutter zijn daad publiekelijk had been announced on Facebook. According to McCraw, the eighteen-year-old boy had never thought of that, but we had private reports. For hey het bloedbad had aangericht, had hey spoken in a group on Instagram about de aankoop van wapens en op z’n minst hint op z’n daad.

The kids in the class club are the number of the political class, McCraw also says. A vain had spoken several times in a whisper about vanishing doden. In a statement at 12:16 p.m., we spoke of eight dead people in Leerlingen, who are now in life.

Het drama in Uvalde vond dinsdag plaats in the Robb Elementary School, about 130 kilometers from San Antonio. Negentien children en twee leerkrachten kwamen om het leven. The eighteen-year-old debris will be protected from politics.

The school part in Uvalde is the most important school part in a basic school since 2012. There was a bad time in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, in the state of Connecticut, there were 26 menses in the day.

The school part in Uvalde is the most important school part in a basic school since 2012. There was a bad time in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, in the state of Connecticut, there were 26 menses in the day.


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