Austrian woman also accuses Rammstein singer, shares photos of abuse | show

Once again, strong allegations have been made against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann for sexual assault. This time it is about an Austrian woman. She backs up her story with photo evidence she shared with the Austrian public broadcaster ORF.

The woman declares to have been violently and sexually abused by Till Lindemann during the European stadium tour in Vienna in 2019. She says she was led to the singer’s hotel room with several ladies at a Rammstein after party. Lindemann was waiting for her there with only a towel around him. “Suddenly he stood in front of me. Come on, I want sex with you.” She refused, but he replied, “But you are here now.” The woman then said no several times.

She states that Lindemann then pushed her head down on the bed, lifted her skirt and hit her hard. A handprint of this would be seen on her buttocks. “I don’t know how long it took. It could have been thirty seconds, or two minutes. Then I got up and I was very dizzy from the blows.” According to ORF, there are images of the abuse that they have examined by a digital forensic expert. He concluded that these are ‘most likely unaltered original recordings’.

I thought I had the situation under control

The anonymous Austrian woman

Never help

Earlier, she said she did not report the events because she did not want to appear in public as a groupie. She also suppressed the events. “I was 100 percent sure that if I said something, I would never get help. If you say you were in the hotel room with Till Lindemann, and he beat you against your will, so hard that you have his handprints like bruises on your buttocks, what do people say? Yes, you chose it yourself. Did you go up there, why did you do that? Obviously, that’s Till Lindemann. He’s a rock star.”

The Austrian broadcaster also asks her why she went to Lindemann’s room if she did not want to have sex with him. The woman explains: ,,Because I thought I had the situation under control. That means if I say ‘No, I don’t want to have sex with you’ it won’t happen.”

Lindemann’s lawyers do not want to comment on the new accusations, although they say they are incorrect. Last week, Rammstein made it partly in court. The Mirror should not have written that the lead singer would systematically drug women with the aim of having sex with them. Although the judge stated that the magazine should have written that there is a suspicion that Lindemann had sexual contact with women who were not completely clear and that he knew this.

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