Austria relaxes corona measures – 2G rule falls

Despite record high numbers of new infections, Austria will soon gradually relax its corona measures. The curfew will be pushed from 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. on February 5, said Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) on Saturday in Vienna. From February 12th, the 2G rule will fall in retail. However, the obligation to wear an FFP2 mask remains. From February 19, the 3G rule will apply again in gastronomy and tourism instead of the 2G rule, it said. This makes it possible to visit bars even with a negative corona test.

The phased plan for the easing was created with a view to the peak of the current corona wave, it said. The highest number of new infections is expected for the end of the first week of February. The seven-day incidence in Austria is currently around 2,500 per 100,000 inhabitants – more than twice as high as in Germany.

The basis for the decisions is therefore the foreseeable further low burden on the clinics. “These numbers are stable and at a really predictable level,” said Nehammer about the situation in the normal and intensive care units. Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) said there was no longer any risk of overloading, especially in the intensive care units.

The trade association relieved

From the point of view of the liberal Neos, the steps raise questions in view of the impending vaccination requirement. “From February, everyone over 18 in Austria must be vaccinated – but if you want to go out for a beer, is a test enough? That’s illogical – as is unfortunately so often the case when this government decides something,” said Julia, tourism spokeswoman for Neos Seidl.

The trade association was relieved. The checks at the cash registers and entrances will soon be over. “We are pleased that we no longer have to play the police force from February 12th and can thus give everyone confidence again,” said trade spokesman Rainer Will.

Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger (ÖVP) explained that the 10 p.m. curfew in particular was a major challenge for companies and guests. She also hopes for a perspective for night gastronomy and for the big events in the next few weeks.

It is unclear how the announced easing will affect the willingness to vaccinate. Although the members of the government again campaigned vehemently for the protective injection, the momentum of vaccination had recently flagged. On February 1st, the vaccination certificate for several hundred thousand people without a booster vaccination will expire due to the reduced validity period of 180 days.

In the meantime, the flow of people to the demonstrations against the Corona measures has ebbed away significantly. According to the police, around 10,000 people protested in Vienna on Saturday. More than 40,000 demonstrators had marched through the city on several previous weekends. (dpa)


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