Australian GP: Verstappen interrupted, cause found out

Helmut Marko did not speculate on how quickly the problem can be fixed.

Max Verstappen’s race ended in a gas leak. EPA / AOP

Max Verstappen the problems continued last weekend in Melbourne.

The reigning world champion suspended the Australian GP with 20 laps left in the race. Red Bull was already experiencing problems in Bahrain.

Then there was a fault in the fuel system. In Melbourne, a car leaked to Verstappen.

Stable boss Helmut Marko said Speedweekillethat the Verstappen car problem has now been identified. However, he did not want to specify it in more detail.

– It’s very complicated. It’s a whole different thing than in Bahrain, Marko said.

It is not yet known whether Red Bull will find a quick solution to the problem before the next race.

The Formula 1 season continues on April 24 in Imola, on the Emilia Romagna track. Ferrarin Charles Leclerc leads the World Cup series.
