Aurora Ramazzotti naked on social media: “I don’t give a min…”

And to criticism from the web, the 26-year-old replies piqued: “I really don’t give a minute…”

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Aurora Ramazzottithe twenty-six-year-old daughter of Michelle Hunziker and Eros Ramazzotti, recently shared a pretty bold photo. Before doing so, she thought about whether or not to make a similar image public, knowing that it would generate several criticisms. But the conclusion was tranchant. And so, green light to shoot like mom made it. The photo of her portrays her while she is outdoors, in the garden, under a summer shower in the house she has rented in Sardinia.

Aurora Ramazzotti’s comment on the nude photo

A challenge to the judgment of others, al conformism, and proof – if any were needed – of the great confidence she places in herself and in wanting to express her individuality without fear. In a world so attentive to image, Aurora communicates a message of empowerment and self acceptance. And to those who reproach her, on Instagram Aurora he answers like this: “The 0.3 seconds of stall dedicated to the insertion of the nude photo in the carousel characterized by a fleeting though annoying doubt hastily canceled by the happiness itself to cause outrage in certain subjects and then honestly by the fact that I don’t care really give a min…“.

mom influencer

Aurora Ramazzotti’s debut in the entertainment landscape dates back to 2015, when opportunities knocked on her door thanks to Sky. Aurora was brought in to host the afternoon slot of X Factor, revealing to the audience her skills as a presenter and the energy that characterizes her. In 2018, she decided to join Mediaset, where she had the opportunity to work alongside her mother Michelle, in the program Want to bet? In 2017, he started a relationship with Godfrey Cerzaand from their bond was born Caesar Augustus Cerzaon March 30, 2023, adding an exciting new chapter to their romance. Currently, little Cesare is just four and a half months old.
