Aurora Ramazzotti in support of the basic psychologist

“Soffering does not equate to weakness ». Aurora Ramazzotti he says it loud and clear in his speech at Palazzo Pirelli in Milan, where the legislative proposal of the Region for the institution of the basic psychologist. The daughter of Eros Ramazzotti and Michelle Hunziker is testimonial of the initiative born following the growing demand for this figure after the pandemic.

Furious Aurora Ramazzotti, the outburst against catcalling

Aurora Ramazzotti and the basic psychologist

Aurora Ramazzotti psychologist based in the Lombardy Region

The influencer during his speech in the Lombardy Region in favor of the basic psychologist (photo Instagram Stories @therealauroragram)

I am a privileged person, I grew up in love, listening and sharing. When you are born so lucky you want to return this fortune»Said the daughter of art. Which she often has on her social profiles invited followers to take care of their mental health. And that is why he decided to join the Lombardy Region initiative. An initiative that considers “a cultural change that eradicates the stigma still present today around the figure of the psychologist”.

The importance of listening and sharing

Aurora then recounted the encounter with a girl who had repeatedly attempted suicide. The meeting took place in 2020, the year of the pandemic, a very difficult year for everyone. “We have been talking for many hours, she has begun to feel better. I realized that she needed love, listening and sharing. Being there was an act of love for her, listening made her feel less alone. And then there was sharing because, where there were meeting points, I was able to tell my experience “she explained.

A psychologist available to everyone

It is not good to do things alone»Then underlined Aurora, reiterating the importance of turning to a professional when something is wrong. Professionals who must be available and within reach of all those who need them. “I like to be a megaphone of situations and stories” she concluded the girl, saying she was grateful to be the testimonial of such an important initiative.

