Audiovisual duel between Shakira and Piqué

One of the companies he owns is dedicated to audiovisual content. Therefore, the farewell (and presentation of candidacy for the presidency of Barça) of Gerard Piqué was not going to be bland and empty of symbolism, allegories and meaning (more or less obvious). However, whoever has studied the latest and highly commented Shakira music video you will know that the singer gives about ten thousand turns in this send subtle little messages or clear hints. I know that many have been moved by Piqué’s work, but for this it was necessary to be a culé or a football fan; instead, to empathize with the ‘Monotony’ of his ex you just need to have your heart broken at some time in your life and you have swollen with hooks and sweets to try to fill the horrible feeling of emptiness (who hasn’t gone through that?).

Already in the first scene, we contemplate the Barça defender on a rooftop (we associate height with success, dominance, power…) contemplating the city of Barcelona (which leads us to reflection, to take perspective) with arms crossed and back to comments, rumors and speculation that are whispered about his performance on the pitch. When he introduces himself (“I’m Gerard”), the long shot switches to a profile shot to identify him. In ‘Monotonia’, on the other hand, just look at his ‘look’ (white sweatshirt and gray sports pants) to recognize him because it is identical to the one he wore in the video clip of ‘Me enamoré’ in which the footballer participated in 2017). Well, because of the ‘outfit’ and because with a ‘bazooka’ it crosses Shakira’s chest. But let’s go back to the roof and Piqué’s face where, not by chance (because the orientation could have been changed or eliminated through minimal lighting resources), reflections of sunlight appear to grant him an almost divine halo… “Suddenly you were no longer the same, you left me because of your narcissism”, as the bachata from Barranquilla would say.

It is already in the second 21 when it starts the dialogue between the adult Gerard and the child Gerard. This temporal narrative that links past, present and future (at the end of the video) is perfectly composed. Of the 2.17 that the video lasts, more than a minute and a half is dedicated to images from when he was a kid (the majority belong to 1992, he was 5 years old and his dream was to be a Barça player). And you can see a boy tied to a ball, very culé, naughty and provocative. Perhaps this apparent excess of his childhood stage also seeks to represent “that big boy” described by those who know him (and that “immature” man who would welcome whoever has suffered as a couple). Faced with the child Gerard, the adult Gerard gets emotional. The eyes full of tears (look, exactly the same as Shakira’s when she bumps into her interpreter in the supermarket where ‘Monotonia’ was recorded), a hand over her mouth to repress emotion and not cry, and a knowing smile with his mini me (I’m still the same). Even the shadow of the adult is projected on the child.

The transition to the present is perceived because we see Piqué driving. Arrives at the Camp Nou and the little Gerard and the big one enter the stadium. The adult walks with his hands in his pockets (inactive) and with his back to the camera (spectator), giving the sensation that he is moving away, leaving. He is placed in the center of the field where it is customary to pay tributes and where the matches (stages) start. He then he raises his head and look at the presidential box. And even if he had not verbalized it (says Pique´: “you know me, I’ll be back”), visually it is very clear what his next objective is (I congratulate you on how well you act…). Almost as obvious as when we see Shakira pick up her heart after being flattened and store it in a box with a lock so that no one else damages it.

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The video ends with an image of little Gerard in the Blaugrana shirt who penetrates the camera with the characteristic Piqué look. The one in which it is sensed that the one with blue eyes is already plotting the next move. For its part, in the outcome of ‘Monotonia’, Shakira smiles relieved with sad eyes possessing again the key that unlocks his heart.

In both videos I missed a final wink: ‘un adéu amb la maneta’.
