Audience favorite or not, Frans Bauer scores very poorly: ‘Hurts’

It is a real disappointment: Frans Bauer does not score at all as a presenter of socially involved programs. “The score is very low, especially in the commercial target group!”

© AvroTros

We know Frans Bauer as the man who orders babi pangang on television or scares fellow celebrities, but now we suddenly see him parading on TV all the time with a very serious face. He made a program about low literacy: very noble, but if Frans did not present it, it would have been on the eve of NPO 2.

Not good grades

However, Frans has managed to ensure that Leven Zonder Letters has been given a very prominent place: every Monday evening at half past ten on the country’s most watched TV channel NPO 1. Unfortunately, the premiere scored meagerly last week – 644 thousand viewers and 7 percent. market share in the commercial target group – but now it is declining even further.

No, reveals ratings analyst Tina Nijkamp. “Is Frans Bauer on the rise after last week’s poor viewing figures start? Rave reviews, a real NPO program, but unfortunately: no good viewing figures for audience favorite Frans Bauer and Leven Zonder Letters on NPO 1,” she writes on her analysis channel.

‘It hurts’

How many of those 644 thousand viewers (which increased to 899 thousand including delayed viewing) are left? “It has now dropped to 526 thousand viewers. And that really hurts. We wish Frans the world and we cannot imagine that he gets low viewing figures, but that is the case.”

The NPO mainly sells advertisements in the messenger target group. And according to Tina, the score is ‘really extremely low’ with a 3.8 percent market share. Pooh, pooh, it won’t last. How many messengers is that? Twenty people who go to Albert Heijn every week? What a drama.

Good news

What can this dramatic figure be compared to? “It is comparable to GoedNieuws Today. It is therefore the lowest viewed primetime score of NPO 1, SBS 6, RTL 4, NPO 2, RTL5. Unfortunately it cannot be made more beautiful. To compress.”

On the commercial side, Caroline Tensen started a new program, namely Kopen or Slopen on RTL 4. She achieved 687 thousand viewers and a 20 percent market share in the target group. “And so RTL 4 will be satisfied.”

The winner in prime time was Chateau Meiland with 1.1 million viewers on SBS 6.

NPO 1 flops

All in all, things are not going well for the country’s most watched channel NPO 1, Tina concludes. “For whom this TV season has failed the most? For NPO 1. Very annoying. Lots of flops and almost nothing seems to really work in prime time.”
