Audi crashes on N2, driver disappears without a trace

A motorist crashed on the N2 near Eindhoven on Saturday morning. This happened around six o’clock. When emergency services arrived, the driver had disappeared without a trace.

The driver had been shot from the N2 for unknown reasons and then drove a lamppost out of the ground next to the road. The car came to a stop against the pole of a matrix sign.

Emergency services rushed out en masse. Several fire trucks, ambulances, the police and a trauma helicopter were sent to the crash site.

The N2 was completely closed so that the air ambulance could land.

Almost all airbags deployed
The damage to the car is enormous, according to a 112 correspondent. “Almost all airbags were deployed.”

The driver is wanted. “Given the impact and the blood in the car, he or she must be injured.”
