Attract fish with sounds, it is possible and it works

Attract fish with sounds, it is possible and it works

Jasper Van Vlasselaer, fisheries researcher ILVO Ostend: “We use music and sound under water. So we have built loudspeakers with which we play feeding sounds, say the crackling of crabs, because that attracts fish. We also have LED lights, which we can give different colors and we can make those flash depending on what species we want to attract.”

These are just a few examples with which the sea farm is experimenting. The Colruyt group has come a long way with the cultivation of mussels and oysters on a sea farm off the coast of Nieuwpoort, but techniques are also being sought to lure squid, crabs and even sole with … bananas in a more sustainable way. In Ostend, Minister Van Quickenborne also came to listen to the possibilities for the future.
