Attention truck drivers, the viaduct is really too low in these places

Again a truck was stuck under a viaduct on the Hertog Janstraat in Waalwijk. A notorious viaduct, because that has happened dozens of times before. Brabant has more places where truck drivers are misunderstood. An overview where you have to be careful if you are a real trucker.

Written by

Lobke Kapteijns

Horse box without roof
A truck that normally transports horses got stuck under a viaduct in Maarheeze where the A2 runs over Stationsstraat. The crash caused the driver to lose the entire roof of his truck. Fortunately, horses were not in the wagon this time.

Photo: SQ Vision
Photo: SQ Vision

Rental car in practice
This driver rented a small truck but was not paying attention. He drove the rental car a total loss in a tunnel under a viaduct of the A59 at Waspik. The cab still fit through the tunnel, but the body did not. The roof was ripped off the body and caught on the railing. The driver had missed the sign with the maximum height of 2.20 meters.

Photo: SQ Vision
Photo: SQ Vision

Prize Shooting in Hanko
Waalwijk is not the only place where drivers regularly lose their roof. Also in Hank it is more often a price at a viaduct on the Kurenpolderweg. There was a warning sign at the beginning of the street and a steel beam above the road was also supposed to warn the driver. The woman tried to brake, but the roof came off completely. The woman suffered head injuries.

Earlier, a truck that was eighty centimeters too high also drove into the same viaduct in Hank. The crash caused the truck loaded with animal feed to topple over. The driver suffered minor injuries.

Photo: SQ Vision
Photo: SQ Vision

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Truck stuck, bridge out
At the Halve Zolenpad in Drunen, a truck got stuck under a bicycle bridge. The damage turned out to be so extensive that the entire bridge had to be removed. The truck driver was probably on his way to a chicken farmer to load chickens there, but it didn’t come to that.

At the bridge there are several signs warning for a maximum height of 3.6 meters, but the driver indicated that he was following his navigation system. The truck became completely stuck and there was no way out of it. So the entire bridge was removed.

Photo: SQ Vision
Photo: SQ Vision

Photo: SQ Vision
Photo: SQ Vision

Horror Viaduct Waalwijk
And then to top it all off, of course, the ‘horror viaduct’ in Waalwijk, where at least dozens of trucks got stuck on this piece of concrete. There are warning signs, red and white striped bars above the road: it’s no use. According to traffic expert Ruud Hornmann, many truckers drive on a routine basis, because most viaducts are four meters high. Or do they think that the signs indicate the maximum height too strictly: ‘Oh, I can pass under it’.

According to Hornmann, there is no solution, because raising the viaduct is too expensive and lowering the road affects the foundation. A tip for all drivers in Waalwijk: the viaduct on Hertog Janstraat is really 3.60 meters high.

Would you like a complete overview of all trucks against viaducts in Brabant? You’ll find it here.

ALSO READ: Truck stuck under Waalwijk viaduct? Get used to it!
