Attackers Moesker and Karabed keep an eye on the top scorers list

FOOTBALL – Titan’s top scorer, Harm Jan Moesker, and Buinerveen striker David Karabed (both 28 years old) are on their way to the title with their clubs, but are also keeping an eye on the ranking of top scorers in Drenthe.

Moesker’s counter is already at 25. Karabed follows with 19 goals. “But I want to make forty”, reveals the latter. So something can be expected from the attacker of fifth division Buinerveen. “I promised the trainer that.”

Moesker can call himself the goal thief of Drenthe. He is also first with Titan. “After the game, I first look at what the competitors have done,” said Moesker. “On Monday I will check the ranking of top scorers.” Karabed laughs: “I look at that three times a day!”

Karabed has a history with SETA and Groningers Boys. He came to Buinerveen in the wheelbarrow of head coach Harry Kral. “I see him as my football father, although I often do not understand him. He gives me a lot of confidence and then I want to give back enough.”

Karabed does that in the form of goals. Although he still has to push Moesker from Nieuw-Weerdinge off the throne. In the past, Titan’s attacker was actually pulled, but: “Then we played with Titan only a class lower. Then you start weighing things up.”

There has been no transfer. Moesker has now scored more than a hundred times for Titan. Karabed hopes to peak this season, so that Buinerveen will be promoted to the fourth division. Moesker concludes well: “I wish him every success. I especially hope that Titan becomes champion.”
