Attacked by a fox – Elvis is dead

Before he was cremated, the little dog's body was laid out for farewell

Before he was cremated, the little dog’s body was laid out for farewell Photo: Ufuk Ucta

By Sabine Klier

A fox killed Chihuahua Elvis (14). His owner now lives in fear for her second dog Ben (5). He was always allowed to play in the garden. That’s over now. The patio door remains closed.

“I’ve seen this fox in my garden before,” says physiotherapist Andzelika Pisarska (49). Sunday morning he was back. Her dogs barked at him. When she went out, Elvis was gone. She didn’t find him until the next day. Two gardens down with a gash in the neck. “My vet told me there was an increase in fox attacks in the area. She treated four injured dogs, one was even paralyzed.”

The owner of the Chihuahuas had often seen the fox in her garden

The owner of the Chihuahuas had often seen the fox in her garden Photo: Ufuk Ucta

Andzelika Pisarska reported the incident to the responsible forester. “But he wasn’t interested,” she says indignantly. Berlin’s Wildlife Commissioner Derk Ehlert also says: “The fox does not pose any danger, it will not specifically attack a dog either. But he wants to protect his young. If he’s attacked, he’ll fight back.” Ehlert suspects that Elvis followed the fox, who then fought back.

Elvis was bitten dead by a fox

Elvis was bitten dead by a fox Photo: Ufuk Ucta

Dog owner Andzelika Pisarska explains: “In our neighborhood there is an uninhabited property. Raccoons, badgers and probably foxes live there. But nobody seems to care.”

“There is a duty of care for dog owners,” says Ehlert. “If you know foxes are around, you shouldn’t leave your animals unattended. The fox is a wild animal, knows no bounds.”

Mistress Andzelika Pisarska (49) worries about her second dog Ben

Mistress Andzelika Pisarska (49) worries about her second dog Ben Photo: Ufuk Ucta


Grunewald dog
