Attack on Israeli journalist with kebab knife!

The police were there within minutes

The police were quickly on site Photo: Mareike Drünkler

By Mareike Drünkler

Attack on an Israeli journalist in Berlin!

The Israeli journalist Gilad Sade (37) was attacked on Saturday afternoon around 2 p.m. in the Ali Baba restaurant on Bleibtreustrasse in Charlottenburg. Together with film producer friends Michael Simon de Normier (50) and Sascha Suden (58), the journalist distributed stickers from the “Berlin Welcomes Jews” initiative to restaurants and shops on Schlüterstrasse. The police were there within a few minutes.

Sade: “We were at the restaurant to hand out the stickers.

Gilad Sade (37) was attacked

Gilad Sade (37) was attacked Photo: Mareike Drünkler

A man rushed towards me with a kebab knife. He then hit my camera and my face. Luckily I wasn’t injured. I didn’t understand what he was saying, everything happened very quickly.”

The attacked Gilad Sade came to Germany for a film project. On the exact date of the progrom night. And he himself becomes a victim of pure anti-Semitism and hatred!

“I’m currently in Germany to make a film – 85 years after the Reichsprogromnacht. I’ve never been attacked like that before.”

His friend, film producer Michael Simon de Normier, witnessed the crime. “I never thought something like this could happen here. I’m horrified.”

He is shocked. “I am not afraid for myself, but for our society and for all Jewish people.”

The police are investigating the crime.


Anti-Semitism Berlin police violence
