Attack on Cristina Kirchner: the repercussions in foreign media

The repercussions of the assassination attempt on the vice president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner They are news in the media around the world. The event that occurred when he was returning to his home in the Recoleta neighborhood impacted television channels, radio stations and portals from all latitudes.

The Washington Post, El Pais of Spain, and the BBC, are some of those who joined the minute-by-minute coverage on par with the local media, along with others from Germany, Mexico, and Venezuela.


The Country (Spain)

The Country Spain

Reform (Mexico)

Reform Mexico

O Globe (Brazil)

O Globe Brazil

The Country (Uruguay)

The Country Uruguay

The Washington Post (USA)

Washington PostUSA

South Deutsche (Germany)

South Deutsche

The Universal (Venezuela)

The Universal Venezuela

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