Attack at Green Party Congress – man hit in the face

A police two-car (archive image)

The state protection of the police is investigating in the case (symbol image)

From BZ/dpa

After an attack last Saturday at a Green party conference of the Tempelhof-Schoeneberg district association, the state security service responsible for politically motivated crimes is investigating the police.

A 37-year-old is accused of property damage, bodily harm and insult, a police spokesman said on Monday. The background to the attack is still unknown.

The man is said to have entered the premises in Marienfelde on Saturday and broken a green flag. When a party member spoke to him, he is said to have insulted the 24-year-old and hit him in the face.

The chairmen of the district association, Claudia Löber and Moritz Heuberger, thanked the police for their quick intervention and arrest of the attacker.

“Such attacks are unacceptable and endanger peaceful coexistence in our society,” it said. “The attack on political parties and their members is an attack on democracy itself.”


Berlin Police Green Berlin
