Atomic air raid shelter sold: “For the arts, not the war”

Atomic air raid shelter sold: “For the arts, not the war”

“No, the new owners did not buy the nuclear bomb shelter because of the threat of war with the Russian invasion of Ukraine,” Gilles said. “They are especially enthusiastic about the artistic design of the nuclear bomb shelter”.

Artist Emiel Vercruysse bought the nuclear bomb shelter almost 20 years ago and was able to indulge in the decoration of the interior. But now it was time to sell it, the artist thinks.

(read more below the photo)

“More than 50,000 euros”

“The new owners do not want any media attention for the time being,” says the Era broker. “They are people from the Roeselare region. They paid more than the asking price of 50,000 euros. About 40 interested parties turned up during the viewing day on Saturday. In the end we received 6 or 7 concrete offers. Together with artist Emiel Vercruysse cut the knot.”

Watch the report of the nuclear bomb shelter here:
