Atomic Agency: Chernobyl nuclear power plant situation is deteriorating

Nuclear agency: situation at Chernobyl nuclear power plant is deteriorating

The situation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, occupied by Russian troops, is deteriorating, the international atomic energy agency IAEA warns. IAEA chief executive Rafael Gross says he is “deeply concerned” about the stress placed on nuclear plant personnel and “potential risks to nuclear safety”.

According to the IAEA, about 210 technicians and security personnel have been working uninterrupted at the nuclear power plant for almost two weeks, because no shift changes have been possible since the Russian takeover of the facility. The employees have water and food, but their situation is deteriorating. The staff has asked the IAEA to draw up a plan to replace current staff and a rotation schedule with international support.

Since the nuclear power plant that exploded in 1986 fell into the hands of Russian troops, it has been increasingly cut off from the outside world. The IAEA says it can currently only communicate with the nuclear power plant by email. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant is no longer operational but can still leak radioactive radiation.
