ATMs: withdrawals from tobacconists and supermarkets from January

VI’m free to ATM withdrawals also within tobacconists, newsagents, pharmacies and supermarkets. The rule, introduced in Fiscal maneuverwill be applied throughout Italy, but is specifically aimed at municipalities with few inhabitants and internal areas, where banking institutions are now often forced to close branches and ATMs due to the population being too low.

Digital registry: all certificates downloadable online

ATM withdrawals at home

From January, therefore, it will be possible to withdraw up to 250 euros at a time even from the shopkeeper near your home and up to this amount traders will not be subject to anti-money laundering verification rules. The government hopes that in this way the opportunities for access to cash can be increased, especially in those countries where the rationalization that the banks have imposed has led to a 30 percent drop in bank branches.

Digital services for more people

Furthermore, with this facility we try to make it possible for a wider audience to open a current account, as well as access to related services. In this way the use of digital services would be encouraged without preventing those who wanted to use traditional banknotes from continuing to do so.

Green light for ATM withdrawals even in tobacconists, newsagents, pharmacies and supermarkets. (Getty Images)

Greater safety for small municipalities

In the report the Mef technicians they also hypothesize issues of greater security: being able to get the cash you need whenever you want would save those who live in small towns from having to withdraw large quantities of money in one go, keeping them at home.

Lights and shadows of ATM withdrawals under the house

However, the Maneuver does not yet say how everything is organised. Some examples are given on the new forms of withdrawal, such as the use of QR codes via devices connected to the Internet or, more easily, via the POS, but nothing is certain yet, the important thing is that the operation is recorded.

However, the legislation also seems to bring with it limitations from the point of view of safety for shopkeepers, given that, with ATMs inside them, commercial establishments could be more exposed to the risk of robberies. But everything is still in progress.

