Athletics World Championships, Jacobs returns to 100m and puts the semifinal in his sights

Tomorrow Marcell returns to 100 meters for access to the semifinals. The Tokyo Olympic champion arrived at Eugene laden. Coach Camossi: “The others must be afraid of him”

by our correspondent Andrea Buongiovanni

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July 14
– Eugene (United States)

First the return to the airport of the car – almost a truck, given its size – hired upon arrival in Portland (from Stockholm), a dozen days ago. Then, said goodbye to the Nike headquarters and to the fairy track in the Beaverton woods, site of the training sessions that allowed him to put the engine back on track, the transfer south, towards Eugene, towards Tracktown, with a vehicle with driver made available. . Then, after the customary anti-Covid tampon, the entrance to the Oregon University campus and its dormitories which, at the World Cup, also host the Italian delegation. Finally, after the official Fidal press conference in the early afternoon, rest. Just a lot of rest. In the late evening, then, the expected arrival from Rome of Nicole, the future bride. Marcell Jacobs’ pre-season went by like this. Today the blue, as already at the Tokyo Olympics, will miss the “test-starter”, test of exits from the starting blocks at the command of the pistol operated by the race officials: Italy was drawn in an early morning shift , which does not suit the habits of the Garda area. Better, in the afternoon, a final individual finishing kick. The menu, as per tradition, will include some starts and some extensions. Tomorrow, from 18.50 (3.50 on Saturday in Italy), together with Chituru Ali from Como, he will also be in the heats of 100. And how, if there will be. Despite everything, he intends to sell his skin dearly.

The words

First objective, access to the semifinals which, on Saturday, will precede the final by less than two hours. “If I am here – he says – it is because everything is under control and the feedback from the last few days, physical and technical, has been positive. The Stockholm injury was gradually disposed of, although it still limits me at times, as if I were racing with the handbrake on. More than muscle, it is in the back, the legacy of a discomfort I have had since childhood. Fortunately, it makes itself felt further from the track than on the track. I want to play my cards like the Olympics and the Indoor World Championships, with the determination necessary to achieve the best possible result. I have no regrets, I would do everything I did and presenting myself as an Olympic champion is an honor. I will not think about Kerley, the other opponents, the rankings, the time trial: only myself. And go as it goes, I am happy to have lived with joy the two weeks that have brought me here: I have seen the beautiful part of the United States “.

born in the usa

“Marcell is fine – confirms the coach Paolo Camossi – and he is serene: this period was also important psychologically. The proximity of the physiotherapist Alberto Marcellini and, in recent days, of the chiropractor Renaud Dejean, who has always been part of the team, has been very useful. Having breathed the air of the United States, the country where he was born, having seen how people work in these parts, without taking anything away from Italy which in some ways offers unique possibilities, he reiterated that in the future we could play a part of the season just overseas . “. The real condition, especially relating to the holding of the three close shifts, however, remains to be discovered. “The intention – says Camossi – is to face the first with calm, doing the minimum necessary to overcome it, without wasting unnecessary energy. The important thing for Marcell will be to run loose, relaxed and fluid, as he knows how to do. Then we will take stock of the situation. If he has any hesitation it will not be easy. Conversely, if he feels his best, he will know how to worry everyone. If he makes it to the final, I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of the other seven. His mere presence of him would inspire fear, because in the last two years, between Torun, Tokyo and Belgrade, he has shown that when he counts he knows how to give 110%. Perhaps the only one who would continue to think about himself would be Fred Kerley, someone who doesn’t give a damn about external conditioning. After all, he will be the man to beat. Trayvon Bromell, another very dangerous player, appears a little more fragile ”. The Americans, among other things, will present themselves veterans of a common meeting, especially as a function of the 4×100 relay that has created so many problems in the past. “We are aiming for it too – smiles Marcell – we are a great team and ready to confirm ourselves”.
