Athletics World Championships, dad Iapichino believes in it: “Larissa is motivated, the final is possible”

Gianni, coach of his daughter: “He will return to the levels of the junior world record”. Qualification today

From our correspondent Andrea Buongiovanni

& commat; abuongi

23 July

Mamma Fiona May is the blue who won the most at the World Cup: two consecutive golds, a silver and a bronze medal between Gothenburg 1995 and Edmonton 2001. But Larissa Iapichino, 20 years old on Monday, when today (from 21 Italian) she will take to the platform for the qualification of the long, she will have to think only of herself. To get into the final you will need a 6.75 jump or one of the best twelve performances of the lot. According to Gianni, father-coach, in turn former blue (of the auction), it is an achievable goal.

“Very well, both physically and conditionally. In these days Eugene, given the context that surrounds her, is super motivated. I’m confident.”

He has a season of 6.64 made at the Absolutes at the end of June: is qualification possible?

“Certainly, even if it is a measure that many have in their legs. But a 6.65 could be enough: it often went like this. For Larissa, entering the final would be an important signal”.

In winter 2021 it was flying at 6.91, a junior indoor world record: has that reference become a burden?

“No, because now behind his path there is a criterion and scientificity. Then that result was essentially the result of talent and a moment of particular psychophysical condition. A bit like when Andrew Howe, just as a junior, did 8.16. Of course , you don’t get there by chance. But Larissa, thanks to adequate planning and specific work, will return to those levels “.

So are you satisfied with the season?

“Of the last two races in particular: that of Rieti, even if the jump of 6.64 was not good and that of San Vendemiano, faced just before leaving. Rather, given that last year she was injured, in recent months to scrape together points for the ranking he had to compete often, starting as early as May 22. I don’t know if he will reach the European Championships in super form “.

“No, I say things as they are: this is the first season in which he has a serious and complete programming”.

“Now that we have resolved some uncertainties about the pre-start of the run-up, yes. Starting from a standstill would be less risky, easier. But in this way it makes the most of the next 15 steps and the overall balance is right”.

“At the top not of the highest level and with an obligatory favorite: the German Mihambo. But the average is very good. For this reason the qualification, as always, will be a bad beast. With only three attempts available, a zero all is enough. ‘beginning and … “.

Fiona, in her first World Championships, in Tokyo 1991 and Stuttgart 1993, at 20 and 22, when she was still competing for Great Britain, stopped at 6.54 and 6.42 in qualifying. She also boasts a world champion experience, the indoor one in Barcelona 1995, with three nulls at the entry level: have you ever talked about it to Larissa?

“What a bad memory: I was going through a period of technical crisis, I was afraid to disconnect, I used a soft shaft and nothing worked. Larissa must remain calm: it is better to avoid telling her negative things”.
