Athletics: College student breaks German decathlon record

College student Leo Neugebauer has broken the German decathlon record set by former Olympic silver medalist Jürgen Hingsen.

The 22-year-old from the University of Texas had 8,836 points at the NCAA Division Championships in Austin, four points better than Hingsen in 1984. Only eight athletes in the history of the decathlon have scored more points than Neugebauer.

At the end of March, Neugebauer, who starts for the LG Leinfelden-Echterdingen, met the norm for the World Cup in Budapest (19th to 27th August) and the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris with a personal best of 8478 points.

Now the World Cup tenth from 2022 has increased again, breaking the previous college record.

“It feels incredible. I’m overjoyed to have won here in Austin with a record,” said Neugebauer. His trainer told him that he had also broken Hingsen’s record. “That makes me the greatest in history in the whole country. I still can’t believe it,” said Neugebauer.
