Athletics, Belgrade: Duplantis flies to 6.19, world auction record

In Belgrade, the Swede amazes again and touches up his previous record by one centimeter

No one has ever flown so high: Armand Duplantis, at the indoor meeting in Belgrade, Silver stage of the World Tour, hangs from his pole over 6.19, improving by one centimeter the world record he has held for over two years (Glasgow 2020). The 22-year-old Swedish with (also) US passport, succeeds on the third attempt and after passing 5.61, 5.85 and 6.00 at the first test.

Without competition: the Slovenian Robert Renner is in second place with 5.31. Duplantis, who has also been Olympic champion for seven months, is an expected record – last season he attempted it in twelve races, in this one already in four – but no less glorious.
