Athletics, Antonella Palmisano will be operated on her left leg

The Olympic champion of the 20 km walk has been standing still for more than a year: “I was at a crossroads: stop or try this one solution”. Recovery times: from one to four months

Antonella Palmisano, after a year and more of forced inactivity, on Thursday morning at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in Bologna, will be operated on by Dr. Dante Dallari to eliminate the fibrosis that created an ischial tuberosity at the insertion of the hamstring of the left leg, preventing it from to March. The 31-year-old from Taranto has not competed since the triumphal 20 km of the Olympics last season, but the problems date back to March 2020.

The crossroads

“The operation is foreseen in endoscopy – he explains – but depending on the situation, it will eventually be necessary to“ open ”by cutting. It will depend on the extent of the damage. For this, in any case, I will be subjected to total anesthesia. And only when I wake up will I understand what the future holds for me. I am confident, also because, after having tried all possible therapies without success, including a change of posture, I was still at a crossroads. In June and July I tried to resume, but after 10-12 km I lost control, the sciatic nerve became inflamed and the leg fell asleep, preventing me from continuing. In everyday life I have never had problems, but I am a walker: either I stop or this is the only possible solution ”.

The prospects

The financier student of Patrick Parcesepe, if all goes well, will be able to mildly resume after a month. The stop, otherwise, could be three or four. “In this case – says the Olympic gold medalist – considering how long I have stopped, it would become difficult to think of the World Championships in Budapest in August 2023. But the real goal right now is the Paris 2024 Games. Patrick is a little bit worried about the operation, I actually can’t wait. I will finally be able to be myself again. Also because I have full confidence in my staff and I know that rehabilitation will be the best possible “. Antonella will be in Bologna on Tuesday for the swab. On Wednesday hospitalization and Thursday, at 6.30, surgery, the first of the day in the ward. Good luck, champion.
