Athletes Germany call for the exclusion of Russia and Belarus, Sportpolitik | War in Ukraine – More Sports

“President Putin broke the Olympic Truce for the third time after 2008 and 2014 and thus repeatedly trampled on the values ​​of sport – peace, non-discrimination, human dignity and international understanding,” it said in the publication published on Saturday evening (February 26, 2022). Message.

With the escalation of the war of aggression against Ukraine ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, it is now time to draw “far-reaching consequences”.

Athletes Germany drew up a catalog of requirements that includes the following points, among others:
– “Complete exclusion of Russian and Belarusian federations from the international sports federation system. This also includes the Russian and Belarusian National Olympic and Paralympic Committees.”

– “Unilateral termination of all financial relationships with Russian donors.”

– “Exclusion of all Belarusian and Russian officials from the international sports federation system.”

– “Consideration of relevant donors and officials on state sanctions lists.”

– “Cancellation and relocation of all international sports competitions that would be held in Russia or Belarus.”

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) had also called for sporting events in Russia and Belarus to be canceled. The German athletes welcomed this, but the demands did not go far enough for them.
