Atalanta, rebus Ilicic. No return forecast

Gasperini confirmed that he has problems again. What to do in Fantasy Football?

A super Atalanta, albeit with various (and heavy) unavailability, managed to snatch a heavy point at the Olimpico by impacting goalless against Lazio. Among the many absences of the orobics there is also that of Josip Ilicic. The Slovenian playmaker again seems to have problems that go beyond football, a scenario already experienced after the first wave of Covid-19.

Unpredictable scenario

Gasperini confirmed the new problems that arose on Josip Ilicic in the usual post-race press conference: “I’m not happy to talk about him, who has ups and downs. Now he has some problems again, but he wants to leave and we are waiting for him with open arms. Now we have to think about the person more than the player and perhaps the best thing is to leave him alone “. Ilicic (playmaker role – 24 credits) scored three goals and three assists during the season playing continuously. Sometimes from the first minute, in other circumstances as a substitute. The player’s value is out of the question, he is still a factor for Atalanta but this scenario could have significant repercussions given that his return is unforeseeable. In 2020 I no longer play from July until October, missing almost a dozen games. The same could happen, with a return to the field in late February. The hope, especially for football lovers, is to see him roam the field as soon as possible with his valuable left-handed, solving his problems.

What to do at the Fantasy Football

For those who have him in the squad and, perhaps, is well covered in his role, the advice is to wait for him given the indisputable value of the player. No interchanges or exchanges. For those, on the other hand, who have a somewhat complicated situation, perhaps it is right to rely on players with greater ownership in order to avoid ‘holes’, a widespread problem with Covid-19 that always leaves you surprised. Those who, on the other hand, perhaps want to have him in the squad to bet on his return to the field can do so, but always with the certainty of having the starting pawns in their roster.


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