At the State University of Milan, fewer fees for more students

Lhe University of Milan will help even more students in economic difficulty: this is the path taken by the largest public university in Lombardy to provide support to those enrolled with the lowest incomes. The Academic Senate gave a favorable opinion on the exemption from university fees for another 8 thousand students. An important intervention that will bring in the no tax area of ​​the state road 27 thousand students compared to the current 19 thousand.

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At the State University more students will pay less

In essence, the income threshold that gives the right to exemption from paying the second university installment will be modified, the one that changes based on the economic possibilities of each student. A threshold that will go from 22 thousand euros to 30 thousand, thus expanding the range of beneficiaries. However, the green light will now have to be examined by the Board of Directors for the proposal to be approved and become something concrete. But the step aimed at protecting the right to education is already very important.

Higher fees for those without financial problems

The change to the tax system it would also provide overall lower amounts than today for students with an income of less than 78 thousand euros. Againsthigher fees are expected for those with higher incomes as well as for those who do not present the ISEE. The maximum amount that a student who is on the highest steps of the contribution brackets can pay varies between 3,200 euros and 4,100 euros, depending on the study courses. This applies to those who are up to date with their exams or has been off course for a year. It can exceed 6 thousand euros for those who have been off course for longer.

The right to study is protected at the State University of Milan (Getty Images)

The University protects the right to study

There change to taxation is obviously not free for the University: it costs around one million euros. The Faculty, however, hopes to be able to take advantage of the Fund for the ordinary financing of universities which rewards universities that expand the No tax area for students. It would also be a nice change compared to the public universities in Milan: at Bicoccafor example, the no tax areas provide an ISEE of up to 25 thousand euros. And, furthermore, the maximum amount of the second installment is 4,271 euros and is valid for everyone, without making a distinction between those who are off course and those who are not.

What is the Student Act

There no tax area was born thanks to the 2017 Stability Law who introduced the so-called Student Act, a measure with the aim of increasing the number of beneficiaries of the Right to Education. It allows for a reduction or elimination of university fees for students who come from families with a low ISEE. The measure can be applied to all universities and institutions of higher artistic, dance and music education (AFAM).

The thresholds of the no tax area

To access the no tax area and obtain an exemption or reduction in university fees, you must always check the requirements of the University you are enrolled in. In general, however, the value of the discount is:

  • 80% for ISEE between 20,000 and 22,000 euros;
  • 50% for ISEE between 22,000 and 24,000 euros;
  • 30% for ISEE between 24,000 and 26,000 euros;
  • 20% for ISEE between 26,000 and 28,000 euros;
  • 10% for ISEE between 28,000 and 30,000 euros
