At MAXXI, “Ukraine: short stories”: Ukrainian artists on show

“L‘art and culture speak a universal language’ that unites peoples in the name of dialogue and rejects all forms of violence. With these words G.iovanna MelandriPresident of the Foundation MAXXI, the National Museum of 21st Century Artsin collaboration with the Imago Mundi Foundation, announced an unscheduled of the museum’s 2022 exhibition season.

The anti-war MAXXI supports Ukraine

This is the exhibition “Ukraine. Short Stories. Contemporary artists from Ukrainewhich will be inaugurated today, March 10 and which will continue until 20. The exhibition will be one reconnaissance on the contemporary Ukrainian art scene, through the works created specifically for the Imago Mundi Collection by 140 artists. Accessible until March 20 with a symbolic ticket of 5 euros. The entire proceeds will be donated to the Ukraine emergency fund set up by the Red Cross, UNHCR and UNICEF, as well as the museum proceeds on Sunday 27 February and Sunday 6 March, over 34,600 euros.

Ukraine, the little girl who sings “Let it go” from “Frozen” in the bunker makes everyone move

The out-of-program of the National Museum of Rome

“Ukraine: Short Stories”, was curated by Solomia Savchuk, Head of Contemporary Art at Mystetskyi Arsenal in Kiev. It is one of the thematic collections that came to life in a particular historical moment for the events of the country. The works, in fact, are strongly linked to the events of 2014 with which Ukraine has been forced to measure itself and the profound changes that this country, a delicate crossroads between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, has gone through in recent years.

“Ukraine: Short Stories”, a company that must reinvent itself

The exhibition presents 140 works by young and emerging artists and artists, but also of already established authors. Everyone, with strength and passion, reflects a company that is reinventing itself, through instability, ideological and social changes and cruel conflicts. In constant search of new ways to face history and affirm a new artistic freedom.

With a range of styles and techniques that span from optical effects to landscape-sculptures to the magic of 3Dthe individual tales of the artists become the creative pieces of a great tale of today’s Ukraine.

“In these terrible days there Imago Mundi Foundation expresses solidarity with the Ukrainian people, the artistic community and the world of culture in general. Because culture must be, today more than ever, space for dialogue and inclusion. As well as freedom of expression and creation»Said the artistic director of the Foundation, Enrico Bossan.


Ukrainian artists on display at MAXXI

The project dedicated to Ukrainian artists involved many famous artists. From Alevtina Kakhidze who translated his history and the events experienced by the family into works of art. TO Victor SydorenkoIwhose problems related to the definition of the individual in contemporary post-Soviet society are the main topic of his “Levitation” project.

But there is also the landscape in “Untitled” by Vlada Ralko, characterized by a state of struggle, linked to a continuous and dramatic cycle of births and deaths. And there is the work of Illya Chichkan which carries on the “Monkey Business / Dough” project, a series of graphic works made with banknotes from different countries of the world. It’s still, Taya Galagan (Tatiana Gershuni) who continues to experiment with 3D images in her portrait “Andrella”, a disguised diva made with the technique of painting, which consists of two images, one hidden under the other.

On March 9, the film “Dedicated to the youth of the world II”

Furthermore, throughout the day of 9 March, the museum’s Videogallery will host the award-winning film by the Ukrainian artist duo Roman Khimei & Yarema Malashchuk “Dedicated to the youth of the world II“(2019). The film shows the young people of Kiev dancing at the biggest techno gathering in the country, a moment of escape from everyday difficulties and from the external reality, which the young protagonists do not seem to be ready to face.

