At Marken, young and old wear special costumes on King’s Day

Celebrating King’s Day is a great tradition on Marken. And that is why the weather is so nice that after two years of corona it can be done as usual, says Hein Zondervan of the Christian Orange Association. The eight-member board in traditional costumes toasts at half past seven with an orange bitter on a beautiful day. What makes Marken so unique is that special costumes are worn especially for King’s Day.

With the men it is a bit sober and it is limited to wearing an orange collar. But the ladies, on the other hand, are beautifully colored and equipped with all kinds of orange details from the cap to the skirt. Even the littlest ones participate: two-year-old toddlers who barely realize what is happening are grouped together like tame sheep in front of the countless cameras.

The days when people walked daily in traditional costume on Marken are definitely over. Zondervan: “Until recently, there were still a few old ladies in traditional costume who lived in the nursing home in Monnickendam. But unfortunately everyone of that generation has passed away.” Fortunately, that does not mean that the typical traditional costume of Marken has become history. An entire family, grandmother and grandfather, daughter and grandchildren, sings the aubade on the church square in full uniform. “The clothes still belong to my mother, who always wore traditional costumes. She turned 93,” says grandmother, who gives her grandson a pat or his ball. And the mayor Marian van Weele has also dressed for the occasion in the local costume.


After the tour behind the brass band, congratulating the royal decorated and the aubade, it is time for the free market and later in the day performances by the various bands. Chairman Zondervan of the Orange Association is more than satisfied and hopes that the party can be celebrated for years to come. He makes another appeal: “By the way, we are still looking for new board members.” Because there is also a threat of a shortage of volunteers on Marken who want to organize such an Orange Party.
