At least 22 killed in an attack on a train station in Ukraine

At least 22 people have died and another 50 have been injured by the impact of several missiles in a train station in the region of Dnipropetrovskin eastern Ukraine, as denounced by the country’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, which has blamed Russian forces. Zelenski has reported this attack during a telematic appearance before the UN Security Council, warning that there were still several cars on fire and the emergency services were still working in the area.

“The death toll may increase,” he said, according to a video shared on his Telegram account and collected by the UNIAN news agency. And so it has been, at first there was talk of 15 and the figure rose to 22 after a few minutes. The president has reported that the projectiles directly hit wagons that were in the station and that four of them have burned.

“Chaplyne is our pain today. So far there are 22 dead, five of them burnt to death in their car, an 11-year-old teenager died, a Russian missile destroyed his house,” Zelensky said in his usual late-night speech. Search and rescue operations at the train station will continue and “we will hold the occupants accountable for everything they have done. And we will certainly drive the invaders from our land,” the president added.

Complaint to the UN

The Ukrainian leader, whose intervention the Russian delegation tried to veto, has denounced that this type of attack has become routine in his country as he “fights for his freedom against russian horror“. “This is how we live every day. This is how Russia prepared for this Security Council meeting”, he said. Zelensky insisted in his speech before the UN that “the future of the world is being decided in Ukraine” and warned that if Russia wins the conflict, will take the war to other countries.

“Our independence is your security, the security of the whole world“, has underlined the president of Ukraine, who has emphasized the international impact that the invasion of his country is having, both in the future due to the precedent that it may suppose, and in the more immediate present due to its effects on the crisis world food and energy supply or the risk of a nuclear disaster.

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In this sense, he has accused Russia of “placing the world on the brink of a radioactive catastrophe” by having turned “into a combat zone” the Zaporizhia plant, the largest in Europe, and which has been under the control of Russian forces for almost since the start of the war.

various operations

The Ukrainian authorities, who feared that Russia would take advantage of the commemoration of Independence Day on Wednesday to redouble its attacks, have warned of several operations in different parts of the country. In the west, in the Khmelnitsky region, there have been several explosions that, according to Belarusian opposition activists, derive from projectiles launched from neighboring Belarus. Specifically, they speak of at least four missiles, reports the DPA agency. Bombings have also been confirmed in Yitomir, while also in the Dnipropetrovsk region, an eleven-year-old boy has died from the impact of a missile on a house. Alert sounds have been a constant in different parts of Ukraine.
