At least 22 dead after heavy explosion luxury hotel in center of Havana, dozens injured Abroad

UpdateA major explosion in the center of the Cuban capital Havana has severely damaged a luxury hotel. At least twenty-two people are said to have been killed, including a pregnant woman and a child. This is evident from a new, official balance sheet from the authorities. More than 50 people were also injured. There are no foreigners among the victims.

The facade of the five-star Saratoga hotel has been largely wiped out by the blast that occurred at 11 a.m. local time. It is still unclear what caused the explosion. The hotel has 96 rooms and 2 restaurants and has a swimming pool on the roof.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, along with Prime Minister Manuel Marrero and Parliament Speaker Esteban Lazo, came to the scene. He spoke of a gas leak as a possible cause.

Cars parked near the hotel were also damaged.

Images on social media show a large cloud of smoke and the partially collapsed facade of the building. Videos also show people who have gathered en masse around the scene of the accident. Some seem to help the wounded.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel personally came to the scene. He spoke of a gas leak as a possible cause.

The hotel was closed due to the corona crisis, but would open its doors again in a few days. Madonna and Beyoncé, among others, have already spent the night in the hotel.









