At least 160 personal budget providers in Drenthe have a criminal record

About 160 of all care providers in Drenthe – where the care is paid for by a personal budget (pgb) – have a criminal record. This is evident from an analysis of the latest figures from the government platform View of Undermining. Those figures are from 2020.

In Drenthe this amounts to 3.5 percent of all providers. Nationally, the percentage is 4.1 percent, the actual number is almost 6,000 PGB care providers with a criminal record.

In percentage terms, Borger-Odoorn stands out. About 20 healthcare providers have a criminal record, which amounts to 5.6 percent. In terms of numbers, Emmen is the leader with 40 healthcare providers.

View of Undermining rounds all findings to tens, in order to limit the risk of disclosure of individual cases as much as possible. That is why figures are not published for all municipalities, because there are less than ten in those municipalities. According to View of Undermining, those figures are then so-called ‘suppressed’, because the numbers are too small to be able to draw conclusions from them.
