At Ilona you try on wedding dresses for fun: ‘The bride’s first look in the mirror gives me goosebumps’

Your girlfriends are anxiously waiting on the couch for you as a bride to step out of the fitting room. The ooos and aaas sound through the studio, followed by a burst of laughter or a tear. Ilona Zijlstra organizes costume parties where everyone has the day of her or his life.

According to Ilona, ​​magic happens in the studio as soon as the wedding dresses are put on. “You normally never wear a dress like this,” says Ilona. “I help, mainly ladies, get dressed in the fitting room to get them ready for a grand entrance. Bosoms and buttocks: I come across all sizes and shapes.”

You don’t have the pressure of a real wedding here

Girlfriends, families and colleagues come to Brides4Fun for a bachelor party, company outing, family day, Tik Tok movie or birthday. In two hours everyone can put on two wedding dresses and Ilona takes (group) photos. “It is a social and fun outing that touches people in one way or another,” explains Ilona. “Some have been married three times and have stood before the altar in different wedding dresses. Here they often opt for a completely different style. The expectation and social pressure of a real wedding is not present here. That causes a lot of hilarity, laughter, and the occasional tear. Seeing your best friend or daughter in a wedding dress is moving.”

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From wasp waist to a full bosom

What is it about a wedding dress that makes everyone melt when they see or wear such an unusual piece of clothing? Ilona says: “A wedding dress shows you the best version of yourself.” Ilona helps the ladies get dressed in the fitting room while the rest of the group has tea and cupcakes, after which the bride makes her appearance. “I tighten the dress nicely to a wasp waist and I make sure that the breasts are fully visible. All imperfections disappear in such a dress. In combination with the virgin white fabric, every woman looks like a princess.”

In combination with the virgin white fabric, everyone looks like a princess

I whip up the skirt and announce the bride

In addition to the wedding dress, Ilona also helps the bride with hair accessories, hats, stockings, umbrellas and gloves. “Everyone who comes here often feels vulnerable. You have to undress and soon all eyes will be on you. As soon as the bride is ready, I slide her in front of the mirror in the fitting room and she sees herself for the first time. That look in your eyes gives me goosebumps. Then I see a kind of wow effect, like ‘how beautiful I look’. I whip up the skirt and announce the bride. And then the reactions of the others, great!”

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All new dresses

In her studio in Rokkeveen there are more than fifty wedding dresses in various colors and models. From mermaid models to princess dresses, and from over-the-top to dresses with a lot of lace. Ilona buys all dresses new: “Used dresses are often dirty and tailor-made. I want to provide clean, new wedding dresses to my customers. I tailor the dress with a clamp so that every bride looks perfect.”

I just sell happiness

For five years Ilona had a studio in The Hague where she organized costume parties with Brides4Fun. As a woman from Zoetermeer, she lives in Meerzicht and decided to opt for a business space in her own city. “Ladies from all over the country come to my studio for a girls’ outing. As a photographer, I use my knowledge and skills to capture the ladies beautifully.” You can only go for a dress-up party at the weekend: “In this office building, the staff is not waiting for a lot of laughter and chatter from a group of ladies during the week,” says Ilona.

In addition to her entrepreneurship, Ilona also works as a pharmacist’s assistant in Zoetermeer and is a mother. “As soon as I notice that my family is suffering from my busy schedule, I will stop immediately. But it gives me so much energy to do this. Afterwards I often get a hug to thank me for the good time. I just sell happiness.”


Louis Braillelaan 80, 2719 EK Zoetermeer

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