At Champion Ziraat Bankkart, it was decided to continue on the road with head coach Mustafa Kavaz

İlker Met, Vice President of Ziraat Bank Sports Club, which won the AXA Insurance Efeler League for the second time in a row, stated that they will continue on their way with head coach Mustafa Kavaz.

The Met evaluated their club’s second consecutive championship. Reminding that they became champions for the first time in their 40-year history last year, the Met said that being a champion is more important and difficult than “being a champion”.

Expressing that the second championship in a row is more valuable, the Met expressed that they are happy to take the championship trophy to their museum.

Pointing out that this success they have achieved is the product of a collective effort, İlker Met said, “As a club, we think that the recipe for success begins with bringing together the right people and valuing people. Everyone from the management to the technical team works in harmony. It is impossible to achieve this. It’s not easy. I think it’s this positive atmosphere that sets the difference with other teams.” he said.


Met, who pointed out that their vision as the management is to contribute to the development of Turkish volleyball, and that they always make the division of labor in the team organization for this purpose, continued as follows:

Our club not only trains players from the infrastructure, but also coaches for Turkish volleyball. Mustafa Kavaz started this job from the infrastructures and went up to the A team assistant coaching. While Mustafa teacher was constantly working as the assistant of experienced foreign coaches in our A team, our goal was to make him the head coach one day. As a matter of fact, he was already ready when luck knocked on the door. We, as the management, did not hesitate in appointing our teacher Mustafa. We knew that our coach, who constantly improves himself and is passionate about volleyball, would do his best. That’s what happened.

Explaining that when their former head coach Roberto Santilli left the job, they made a decision by analyzing all kinds of risks, considering alternatives, and they appointed Mustafa Kavaz as the head coach, the Met said, “Maybe we might not have been able to become the champion, there was this risk and we took this risk. Because in the end, we took both the championship and the Turkish team. He had the aim of presenting a Turkish head coach to volleyball.” said.


Emphasizing that seeing the development of Turkish volleyball depends on the presence of good Turkish coaches as well as good Turkish players, Met made the following statements:

Of course, we will continue next year with our head coach who won the championship. As the management, we care about the protection of the champion team. At the moment, the successful and important players of our team will continue next season. Multi-year contracts are made in volleyball and most of these contracts become clear in January-February. We made these decisions long ago. Since these decisions were taken jointly when Mustafa was the assistant coach, I can say that we formed the staff together. However, our important player Oreol Camejo left our team due to a financially attractive offer from abroad. I think we can do good things in Europe next year, in addition to the Turkish League, when we get a player instead and strengthen the team for the Champions League.


İlker Met stated that their most important goal for the coming year, as it is every year, is to be in the finals at least in the cups they participate in and to play volleyball with a good view, and said:

We will maintain these goals in the coming year as well. After winning the championship 2 years in a row, we want our team to be successful in Europe as well. We became the 9th team in the Champions League this year and narrowly missed the quarter-finals. Our goal next year is to play the final in every cup and win the cups. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to our esteemed fans for their continuous support in the trophies we have won this year. In addition, we would like to thank our previous coaches, Medei and Santilli, who congratulated us on our championship despite leaving us.
