“At Barça, you learn not to be surprised at anything,” says a veteran club employee

One day someone found an invoice whose explanation was simply “radiological examination & rdquor;. Whoever discovered it, turned to his tablemate and asked her “we have an X-ray machine here & rdquor; and his colleague said “here? What’s up? What’s up! & rdquor; And they took it to the boss. And, indeed, something had slipped in that was neither, nor touched, nor was it known why it was there, in a long list of expenses.

“Here in the barca, of a lifetime, they have written down all, all, the expenses, including the bus tickets that we take to run an errand that the club sends you. Here, if something is clear and crystal clear, it is that the employees are pristine and, thanks to them, everything, everything, is registered and saved.” We are in a discreet cafeteria, a few meters from the charming sans graveyard, a few meters from a huge and modern gas station. Two men and a woman, who have spent many years as Barça employees, talk about the current and extremely delicate situation of the club.

The 450 Barça employees consider that it is unfair that the practices of the top splash their immaculate and professional daily management

They say that when the ‘Negreira case’ they feared the worst and it was (“there was noise in that direction & rdquor;) that some paper would come out, some talk, some email, some ‘whatsapp’ that would implicate Joan Laporta, to any other ex-president or to members of the noble plant. But it doesn’t seem the case. “If indeed that man (Enriquez Negreira) had something more than his audacity and impudence, he would have already taught it, because they stopped paying him five years ago and he has had time to carry out his threats & rdquor ;.

The almost 450 employees (with a sports contract there will be more than 1,000) that Barça has, despite the fact that since Laporta’s arrival 90 have left and another 90 have entered, that is, zero savings in payroll or little, they begin to have the feeling that it is a scam. From a scam that has been extended over the years “but of which those in charge, the important ones, were duly aware, the opposite is absolutely incomprehensible & rdquor ;.

The feeling is that, from the beginning, whenever and whoever it was, someone should have come out as Negreira’s supporter and that senseless and suicidal payment lasted for decades. “And not only that”, comments one of the Barça workers, “every time they paid or renewed the payment or, even worse, when they increased the monthly payment, which happened on a couple of occasions, someone had to meet, decide to continue paying and, not only that, I insist, increase the quantity. Therefore, they knew more than one and two. And what surprises me is that people of the level of some general directors that we have had, certainly scrupulous, did not set off the alarms & rdquor ;. Or, yes, and they ignored them.

recognize the thymus

There are those who think that if Barça, like this, out of the blue, had recognized as soon as the news appeared that it was a scam, the situation, perhaps, would not have evolved in what it has evolved, which is, for the moment, a tremendous suspicion about something that no one has yet been able to prove (rigged arbitrations) and, of course, a discredit and an almost, almost, irrecoverable loss of reputation.

“Seriously, dozens of audits, ‘due diligences’, ‘forensics’ and multiple club bodies, such as the ‘compliance’, the ‘compliance committee’ and even the Barça control and transparency commission and does anyone call attention? on the matter?: it’s not credible, I’m sorry& rdquor;, comments another, who never ceases to be surprised because Sergi Atienza, a personal friend of Laporta, a former partner of his law firm and current ‘compliance’ (fourth in two years, annoying, right?), has commissioned lawyers from outside the club to investigate the ‘Negreira case’. “Excuse me, but you are here to either prevent these practices or discover and denounce them as soon as you know about them, not to kick off and get the subject out of the way & rdquor ;.

From top to bottom

It hurts the soul of the employees that the club has been in the eye of the hurricane for a long time, in all kinds of controversies and alleged irregularities, which have nothing to do with them, with their clean and professional management from day to day. day. “Here, we have learned not to be surprised at anything and to expect anything, especially if, suddenly, for whatever reason, which no one questions but which can change your life, the Mossos appear and take our computers. Who knows what can come out from then on & rdquor ;.

In this sense, the three agree that it has been “very, very, very painful and unfair & rdquor; the prominence that has been given, through the media, to Angel Rocamoraan administrative professional “tremendously serious and upright who, suddenly, one day takes a leave of absence, inappropriate for him, making a comment to his most immediate boss and it becomes the scandal of the day & rdquor ;.

After hating each other, after confronting each other, after investigating each other, the photo of the presidents involved giving explanations is impossible

The employees are convinced that since the scam was swallowed, year after another, on the noble floor, it will be impossible for that photograph that many have claimed, including some partner movements, with the presidents involved showing their faces, to see the light . “They have confronted each other, they have investigated, audited, denounced each other, I do not think they will be, now, due to the work of joining forces, explain something that is difficult to explain, not to say impossible, and try to defend the club& rdquor ;.

The ‘Espai Barça’, in danger

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It is too late to admit that they have been cheated. It is too late to admit that not only has an overprice been paid for (almost) useless, useless, crappy material that is easy to obtain (almost) via Google, but, on top of that, the least suitable person, the second in command of the referees. The double scandal is total: overprice and wrong addressee. “The case, moreover, has broken out at a delicate moment, since the negotiation of the loan by the ‘Espai Barça’ with Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan It is vital and who knows how the people of money will see this matter, Gracia certainly does not make them more drugged than the world of football and this is already more a business than a sport & rdquor ;.

Everyone obviously agrees that what was discovered is a shot or a bunch of shots to the foot, carried out by the last presidents, “including ‘Barto’ (Josep Maria Bartomeu), who, now, intends to appear as the good guy in this horror film, boasting, now, of having stopped paying when what he did was stop paying the day after Negreira left the vice-presidency of referees, not before & rdquor ;.
