At 32 uur onderhandelen adelijk witte rook voor federale begroting: regering bereikt akkoord over ‘flexi-jobs’ | Inland

PoliticsAt 31 uur onderhandelen different omstreeks 18u15 witte rook boven de Wetstraat 16. The Vivaldi regering maakt in total 1.7 billion euros from the federal funding weer op spor te krijgen. The last structural block was the ‘flexi-jobs’, but also the arrangement is now a chord.

With a saving of 1.2 million euros and 500 million euros from urgent extra uitgaven te costs, stond de federale regering de voorbije dagen voor hair lastest begrotingsoefening. She is now dead and has been brought to the public, as reported by the political editors.

Different maatrules read reeds uit. With the uitbreiding of the ‘flexi-jobs’ Ruimt the regering-De Croo also the last kiezelsteen in the begrotingsonderhandelingen uit de Weg. Maandag stonden liberalen en socialisten lijnrecht tegenover elkaar op dit onderwerp. The door also has a compromise on the size, which is the last puzzle piece of the begroting special trading on the juiste plaats.

Concreetly, there are two extra sectors that have been implemented for the system of ‘flexi-jobbers’, which has a huge impact on the production sector. The French government had already arrived on a separate system in the children’s surgery, which was then passed on to the emptying system. As tegenprestatie zullen de werkgevers in het vervolg wel higher sociale bijdragen moeten betalen op deze extra werkkrachten: 28 percent in places of 25 percent.

KIJK. “Het leek alsof de PS De Croo geen makkelijk akkoord gunde,” says Karel Lattrez

Politie krijgt quickly loonsverhoging

The policy is made quickly and quickly in front of you. The government’s budget for 2024 is 1.2 billion euros, but Prime Minister Alexander De Croo is expected to pay 1.7 billion euros and 500 million euros will be compensated for again. A deel of the money should be paid to the debit of money for politics. The current price in 2023 will be 2,000 euros gross per year, with a large amount on the government policy. Ze Zouden Hun Loon in Drie Schijven Zien Stijgen: Telkens 45 Procent van Het Beloofde Demrag in October 2023 EN October 2024, en Dan Nog Eens 10 Procent in 2025. De Regering Beslist Nu Om Het Proces Te, en de Tweede Schijf Intraal in October following year with the betalen.

He’s also going to the drug commissariat. Drug commissioner Ine Van Wymersch was awarded 10 million euros for 5 million euros in the structure of the sea seeds with the regional computer crime units witwasoperaties with cryptomunten aan te pakken. This means that the policy middelen om de aanwezigheid in onder meer trainstations als Brussel-Zuid op te Schroeven en gaat he also has extra money to the noodcentrales, which have always been fighting with personal assistance.

Reacties: from “slechts het begin” to “stuiptrekking”

“Stap voor stap brengen we once begroting terug in orde”, zei premier Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) na afloop van het conclaaf. “Heremee doen we opnieuw what we beloofd hebben.” Vivaldi had his hair in front of him and was worth 1.2 million euros, which had been spoken to in the country and had been spoken to by the European Commissie. The regering should be done in 30 uur seeds alvorens ze the begrotingsopmaak kon afkloppen. “That doesn’t come to 40 million euros per hour. “Then we got it done,” grapte Green Vice Premier Petra De Sutter.

Voka, the Vlaams network of ondernemingen, represents a vast amount of 1.2 million euros. “Op die Mannier blijft het overheidstekort norg enigszins within de perken. “Global genomen blijven ondernemingen gespard van bijkomende belastingen,” says gedelegeerd bestuurder Hans Maertens.

The federal government requires various rules which, as a result, can be positive for the economy. Voka is told with the ruins of the system of flexible jobs in 12 sectors, which has a wide range of jobs, which means that there are a lot of flexible working forces as a result. This is also the case with the delivery of the BTW regime of 6 percent for the sloop and the herop building following the vocalization “een goede zaak”.

Voka takes care of the federal government’s new income from the opleggen of extra taxes and the scrapping of favor regimes. “The banking sector takes the bank tax for the hoogte ingaan and wordt of the two sector in this begrotingsopmaak. “Ok the vervoerssector krijgt te maken met saving: de fiscale aftrek van professionalele diesel wordt ingeperkt,” Benadrukt Maertens.

N-VA-Kamerfractieleider Peter De Roover is niet onder de indruk. The begrotingsakkoord that the core cabin is maandagavond sloot doeset hij af as “a stuiptrekking”. “Vivaldi created the budget for the next generation,” he said. “As the aim of the uitbreiding van de flexi-jobs de enige labormarktmaatregel is, then he never goes over the ambition to achieve a working rate of 80 percent of the price,” says Hij.

The extreme right opposition party Vlaams concern is evenmin onder de indruk van het begrotingsakkoord. Volgens Kamerfractieleidster Barbara Pas is the one who came out in the language “nobody said he prayed”. The party has extra funds for the operation of asielzoekers and the brewer aan “grondige coopkrachtmaatregelen for one cafeteria”.

This is also a criticism of the construction of the diesel profession, the banks and the use of flexible jobs. The last one came after Kamerlid Wouter Vermeersch mogelijk ten costs of the rights of the workers.

LEES OOK. This changes for how sloopt, heropbouwt of bouwt (+)

150 miljoen an extra bankentaks: would we like to have a higher savings pension now? (+)
