At 100, Horst is far from calm

By Isabel Pancake

50 push-ups and 20 squats every morning – that’s not the sports program of professional soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo, but of a 100-year-old!

Horst Breyer from Lindenberg (Barnim district) completed 100 last week (January 19). Also present: his four children, seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Now he has celebrated with his sports friends – bowling in Hohenschönhausen.

His bowling ball: a custom-made product. “A few years ago a circular saw fell off the table and I tried to catch it. The four fingers are on again, but the distances are different,” says Breyer. And the ball is really heavy! No problem for Breyer: He can’t bend down as well, but he easily hits five pins with the ball.

Breyer celebrated his 100th birthday at the bowling alley in Hohenschönhauen with his sports friends and family

Heart attack brought him to sports

The former engineer originally comes from Leipzig. From the 1920s he lived in Pankow, later in Lindenberg. Then in 1978 the shock: heart attack! “Since then I’ve always been doing sports. But I can only do push-ups in the bathtub,” he says. His smartwatch also reminds him every hour: Get moving!

“I used to play table tennis for a long time,” he says. Breyer has been a member of the “Kiez für Kids Freizeitsport” association from Hohenschönhausen for 20 years and goes to a 90-minute cardio workout once a week.

Horst Breyer

Breyer is a member of the association “Kiez für Kids Freizeitsport” Photo: Ufuk Ucta

“But he also knows his limits. Then he says: Olaf, I have to sit down first,” says sporting director Olaf Seier (64). Breyer also goes bowling with his friends two to three times a month.

Breyer to BZ: “But I won’t be 100 again. That’s too exhausting for me.”

At that time (1946) Breyer wasn't that sporty yet!  At the age of 45 he had a heart attack and started exercising

At that time (1946) Breyer wasn’t that sporty yet! At the age of 45 he had a heart attack and started exercising Photo: private
