Asylum shelter Ter Apel ‘is full’, probably just enough space

The central reception location for asylum seekers in Ter Apel in Groningen is ‘completely full’ tonight. This is what the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) expects. Nevertheless, a spokesperson expects that there will still be just enough space next night and the rest of the week.

A maximum of two thousand people are allowed to stay in the shelter in Ter Apel. Because of this capacity shortage, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Nijmegen, Oss, Alkmaar, Venray and Rijswijk, among others, have taken over asylum seekers.

Earlier today, the COA called on the urgent provision of new reception places. Emergency shelter locations will open in Kampen and Venray in the coming week. There is room for three hundred people. COA continues to look for a place where refugees can live for a longer period of time. There is no more room in the 111 asylum seekers’ centers in the Netherlands.
