Asylum seekers are sleeping on chairs again in Ter Apel application center | Inland

It is still possible that more people will join, for whom there is no place to sleep, according to the spokesperson.

It has been a crisis in Ter Apel since October. More people regularly stay at the application center than allowed. Over the past few weeks, it happened several times that people ended up on chairs because there was no bed available for them. Several times it involved more than 100 people. The center in Ter Apel can accommodate up to 2000 people.

Security regions will take turns providing emergency emergency shelter for six hundred asylum seekers, each 150 for two weeks. Friesland and Groningen are now doing this in sports halls in Heerenveen, Finsterwolde and Leek. Zeeland has the former library of Terneuzen available. As far as is known, Amsterdam-Amstelland does not yet have a location. The current reception facilities are not yet enough to provide all asylum seekers with a place to sleep.
