Asylum seekers are allowed to stay longer in Leek and Groningen

The 150 asylum seekers who are received in the Top Sports Hall in Leek can stay there for at least another month.

The location is available until mid-July, reports the Groningen Safety Region. In the past two weeks, he was jointly responsible for the crisis emergency care of people for whom there was no place in the central application center in Ter Apel. The extension should help limit the pressure on Ter Apel.

Groningen has also received about a hundred asylum seekers in the city of Groningen. These container homes are available until mid-July. From August, the accommodations will be needed for international students.

The extra shelter in Finsterwolde, where sixty asylum seekers could sleep, will close this week.

In Stadskanaal there is a shelter tent with about a hundred camp beds. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) can appeal to this, but the reception is not structurally available.

This also applies to the Eurohal in Zuidbroek. “We have been doing more than can be expected for months. We see the humanitarian conditions in Ter Apel, we understand that we are close by and we want to bring peace to the system,” said a spokesperson for the security region.

Other regions must take over asylum seekers from Ter Apel

The Amsterdam-Amstelland region was also requested to receive 150 refugees, in addition to the 1,650 asylum seekers and status holders that the capital already offers. According to a spokesperson for the municipality, half of this has already been filled because refugees can stay in their place longer than agreed. There is also a proposal with the COA and the central government for the reception of more people. Amsterdam strives to provide this group with a roof over their heads for a longer period of time.

From Wednesday, other regions must start taking over asylum seekers from Ter Apel. Gelderland-South makes a former corona vaccination location in Culemborg available. Gelderland-Midden can provide asylum seekers with a place in a former monastery in the village of De Steeg (municipality of Rheden). The Gooi en Vechtstreek and Flevoland regions arrange crisis emergency care together because they are relatively small. They have places available in Almere, Hilversum and Laren. It is not yet known where Central and West Brabant intends to house the asylum seekers.

The hundreds of crisis emergency shelters are not sufficient. Last night, the Red Cross set up tents in Ter Apel, where several dozen people could sleep. The 25 security regions will discuss adjustment of the reception schedule next week in the Security Council.
