Asta and Timo feel best naked

Yle’s Friday Docker introduces the Finnish couple, for whom naturism is an important part of everyday life and celebrations.

Nudity is a natural part of everyday life for Nuppolo. aop

Asta and Timo Nuppola have been married for 35 years. The couple has been honed together over the past decades, and naturism has become an important part of their lives over the years.

For a couple, nudity does not mean shame, but the freedom to be themselves.

– We are in every place, wherever we can, without clothes, if conditions allow, Timo says in the documentary.

The lifestyle of the knobs has raised a lot of questions for outsiders that the couple is used to answering.

– We are asked if it is necessary to be without clothes, then we have said that of course not: if it is cold, then the clothes are on, Timo says.

The couple first headed to the beach 27 years ago. When the clothes were taken off together for the first time in a public place, Timo experienced a powerful aha experience.

– When the clothes were off, then I thought this was our place, Timo says.

– And this is our thing, Asta continues.

When the departure from the beach came, the couple joined the Finnish Association of Naturalists from the same seat. Ever since then, time has been spent naked whenever possible.

– And I haven’t regretted it once, says Timo.

– This is a way of life. Hobby, lifestyle, this is all for us. This has been a breather for us in the past, Timo continues.

The naturist community is a very important part of a couple’s lifestyle.

– There is a wonderful team spirit. Like family, Asta praises.

Friday dock in Ilkosilla on TV1 and Arena on Mondays at 9.30 pm. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
