Association: Recent summer storms cost insurers 740 million euros

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – According to their association, the consequences of last week’s summer storms “Lambert” and “Kay” are likely to cost insurers in Germany almost three quarters of a billion euros. “The two storms caused insured damage of around 740 million euros to houses, household goods, commercial and industrial companies and motor vehicles,” said Jörg Asmussen, general manager of the General Association of the German Insurance Industry (GDV), according to a statement on Thursday.

According to GDV, property insurers pay around 250 million euros for storm and hail damage and around 140 million for heavy rain and flooding. The car insurers would have to shoulder around 350 million euros, almost half of the damage.

The storm “Lambert” had brought unusually heavy rain in large parts of Germany. Many cellars were full, trees fell on cars, and hailstones the size of a golf ball fell during a thunderstorm in the Upper Bavarian valley./stw/jha/

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